Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas is the most anticipated day of the year. Especially for the kids. Even the "big" kids!!!! My husband is one of the biggest kids in the world when it comes to Christmas. It kills him before we actually get to the part where we open the presents. By the time we get to open our presents my family wants to hang me on a wall with duct tape!!!! Of course you know everything has to be in it's place and things have to be so-so before we can start. And then, we always read the Christmas scriptures from the 2nd chapter of Luke. We have always felt very strongly that if we don't put Christ first we lose the true meaning of Christmas. The "texting Queen" that I am, I sent out a text on Christmas morning to everyone I had a number for telling them Merry Christmas. I let them know that without Christ there would be no "Christ"-mas!!!! can imagine how fidgety the kids get before we can open our presents as "Grannie" causes everyone to exercise their patience!!!! Actually, for the most part, they sit very patiently as the Christmas story is read, but the minute that Bible is placed on the table it's like the gates have been opened for the races!!! They are ready willing and able to open those presents!!! This year was no different with the exception of the fact that there were more than usual for Christmas morning. Sean, Alisha and the kids were here for Christmas morning this year. So needless to say, we were full up!!! Wall to wall people you know!! It made for a very interesting morning. My plans were to get everyone up that was already there and have our presents open. But, as usual, my plans failed. So, we waited until they arrived to open presents. We started with the youngest, which killed "Papa".........of course he's not the youngest so that meant he had to wait!!!! All in all, it went pretty well and we had a wonderful Christmas morning and day. Hope your Christmas was as blessed!!!!!
"Jesus is the reason for the season!!!!"

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Water woes.......

HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This would be a picture of the now RUNNING water!!!!!!! It's fixed!!!!!! It's fixed!!!!! My husband is the best!!! He's not a plumber, a carpenter or a mechanic, but I've NEVER known him not to be able to fix anything yet!!!! And he's exhausted to boot. We haven't gotten to bed any earlier than 11 pm any night this week, which is not out of the ordianry but he's on the early shift this week. That means up at 2 am and to work by 2:30, 2:45 am!!! But he doesn't give up until it's done!!!! I love him so!!!!!!!
I'd blog more, but I'm sorry I'm headed for the shower. I mean I was raised on a farm and I knew how to bathe using the pitcher and bowl method, but a modern shower is sooooooooooooo much better!!!!!! See ya.........I'm outta here!!!!!!!! :-)

Water update!!!

And this is a picture of the aftermath of the torpedo heater not working. We have now nearly disassembled the entire enclosed back porch!!! If it wasn't bad enough the water is frozen.........hubby went to work on it earlier today and found out he was trying to unthaw the wrong pipe all along!!! Now we have a pipe that is completely busted BEFORE the water meter and it is spraying water all under the house!!! We called them several hours ago and reported it as an emergency.......they said they'd be here before the day was over!! It's now dark!!! Oh.........the guy just called and said he was on the other side of the train......we live right by train tracks and quite frequently trains stop on the tracks.....everyday as a matter of fact.......and they stay there for up to an hour or more sometimes!!!! There's supposed to be a law against that but..............anyways.......back to my he's here and in the back with hubby. I don't know what he's going to do, but I sure hope it can be fixed soon. My shopping got put on hold and now I only have one day left. Of course, that's nothing out of the ordinary really. It's a tradition with my husband......he has to go out shopping on Christmas Eve every year!! He loves the hustle and bustle and all the crowds!! I, on the other hand, absolutely hate it. I can't stand all the people pushing and shoving and fighting over stupid stuff. Like I said in one of my newsletters, there is nothing so important to me that I have to fight over it and I certainly would not trample someone to death to get anything!!!!!
So........there you have it. We have water...........just not running through the pipes to the sink and showers where I want it!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Good in Everything

This is a picture of a torpedo heater that my husband had to purchase yesterday afternoon. While we were at church on Sunday we received a phone call and learned that we had NO water in the entire house. It was frozen!!!! After church Sunday night my husband and son-in-law ventured out to Menards only to find it closed so they headed to Walmart. However, they did not have any torpedo heaters. He was only able to find a couple of utility heaters, which he purchased at that time. After running them overnight nothing happened. So, yesterday afternoon when he came home, he assessed the situation and went to Menards and returned with this little contraption and a blow torch. He had found that one of the pipes going into the water meter had actually frozen and burst. He took it apart and realized in order to get it back together he would have to sodder the pipe back together in pieces. Once he had that done......and I helped......I held the torch while he melted the metal to it!!!! Yeah me!!!!! :-) He looked at me and said: "Actually, God was very good to us by allowing the pipes to freeze." I looked at him like he had a third head and was from Mars. How could it possibly be a blessing that the pipes froze???!!!!! He then pointed out that if the pipes had not froze and that pipe had bursted while we were at church all day, it would have been a mess. The house could have been flooded and the mess would have been more than we could have imagined. So, I guess there is good in everything if you just look for it!!! We're thankful for godly neighbors that are letting us use their shower and carry water into our house!!! But, here we are, day 3, still without water!!! Please pray for us!!! This is very hard and especially since we are supposed to have a house full for Christmas day!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"Back Update"

Well, after the Jacuzzi, the doctor's appointment and 4 prescriptions I managed to move properly for a couple of days, but then I got really stupid (no unusual comments please!!!!) and horsed around with Shelley (our middle daugher) last night. It was feeling some better and she manages to make me laugh..........a lot!!! And we were playing "Sumo" wrestler!!! Yeah, that's what I said. You didn't read it wrong!!! I said I got stupid didn't I!!!?? By the time I woke up in the middle of the night I could barely move again!!! And boy, does it hurt today. I guess when they say "no pain, no gain" I guess they mean it!!!! I regained a little bit of my sanity through all of our horse play, but I also regained a lot of the pain!!!! UGH!!!!! That's ok though. With some of the challenges I've faced lately I NEEDED that laughter. The Bible says laughter is like a good medicine and does a heart good!!! Maybe physically I didn't feel better, but it sure did pick me up for the time and it was refreshing to laugh and have a good time!!! Shelley went to school for Accounting, but should have been a stand up comic!!! She can crack me up at any given moment. There's one word she says to me that without fail, makes me just nearly roll on the floor!!! I'd share it with you, but it wouldn't make a bit of sense to you if you haven't heard it. I love the way she senses my pain sometimes, comes to my rescue and releases those happy hormones in my brain for a short while!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Mr Incredible"

For the sake of putting a face to him, this would be the love of my life with our "Weetie Pea!!!" It's already been established that he is the most wonderful man in the entire world, but not only that; he's totally incredible. My life has been anything but calm and serene lately. As a matter of fact, it has been more full than I have ever cared for it to be. I have been faced with challenges that I never dreamed would come my way. We all know that I have come to the conclusion that I have some sort of "disorder", if you will that just simply does not allow me to "BE STILL!!!!" Remember, we came to that conclusion back in the summer when I was somewhere and had to wait on Sami for something and as I sat in the van it nearly drove me out of my mind (what little is left!!!) Anyways on to the story here...........Somehow I managed to do something to my back and I don't want to go to the doctor since we don't have any insurance(well...none to speak of!!!). So.........."Mr. Incredible" being the wonderful man he on the phone and found a hotel room with a Jacuzzi in it so he could take me there so I could soak my back!!!! No we ARE NOT rich!!! That's the best part of it!!! He managed to negotiate with the desk clerk to get the room for far less than even half price!!! He just simply told them....."'s Tuesday. It's snowing and your hotel is going to suffer for it. Do you want to make a little money or no money?" He agreed!!! It was so awesome and it did indeed make my back feel better for the time I was able to soak!! I can truly say my husband loves me "Biblically!!!!" He loves me the way Christ loves the church. He always makes sure my needs are first!! And lately.....that's been pretty difficult. Like I said, there has been so much going on in my life lately that's got me in a complete whirlwind. And unfortunately, I haven't been as graceful about it as I should have sometimes. I guess God has a way of making you look in the mirror sometimes. But, that's a story for a different time!! I just thought I'd share with you how wonderful my husband is!!! And this little story doesn't even touch the tip of the iceberg of ALL the other things he does for me!!! He's just marvelous!!!!!!! I love him so!!!!!!!

The Sampson's.......A little bit of Heaven on Earth

If you are ever down and need some REAL encouragement, find where this family is performing and go hear them. We were blessed to attend one of their concerts at Kolas Book Store in Highland on this past Saturday. How I NEEDED it!!! I have heard many, many groups sing in my lifetime, but this family is the "real deal." I'm not saying that the rest of them aren't but The Sampson's have a true heart for God and people. It's evident that they are in tune with God and the ministry they have is so excellent. Their calendar is usually full all year round....well, at least when they aren't away on a missions trip. Hence the reason we weren't able to have them do a Christmas concert this year. We have to wait until January 5th of next year!!! Like that's so far away. They get better each time we hear them. We have known them for many years and just to watch those little girls turn into such wonderful young ladies is such a great blessing, but to hear them is so awesome!!!! It seemed like every song they sang was especially picked just for me. God knows what you have need of before you ever ask!!! He is the greatest!!! The brought so much cheer to my heart. I just wish I were able to convey just how much of an impact they make on me each time I am in their presence. Not only does their music minister to me, just talking to any one of them is so uplifting. To hear about all their endeavors throughout the year and for them to share their blessings is excellent!!! Their voices are just a little piece of Heaven here on earth!!!!!! Thank God for those He sends into our lives to encourage us!!! Keep up the good work!!! :-)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


As you can well see, there has not been a post for quite some time now. My life has been less than serene and calm these days. Chaotic would describe it much better. I'm not quite sure what's going on lately. I don't even know if I'm coming or going half the time!!! As my schedule has filled instead of lightening up some as I had hoped when the boys went to school, it has only became fuller as well as our house!!! Our household has grown from just the 3 of, mom and Sami to 6!! Add to the mix Jenny, Richard and Shelley and during the day Adam, Jason and Malena!! Well, Adam is at school all day now and Jason goes a half day, but still there is other people to get to and from school and work and others at home to watch over. I taught a lesson in Sunday School this past Sunday about "Overload!!!" Talk about having to teach with my feet "off" the floor so I wouldn't stomp them severely!!!! Then I used the scripture reference where Jesus had come to Mary and Martha's and Martha was complaining about Mary sitting at His feet doing "nothing!!!" Nothing? How do you do "NOTHING!!!!!!!!!????????????" I found out one day as I was sitting in the van waiting on someone that I am just not capable of doing NOTHING!!!! It drove me nearly insane to just sit there with NOTHING to do!!!! I wish I could sit and do nothing...............I wish I were like my husband and could completely clear my mind and just "think" of nothing, let alone do nothing!!!! There was a CBD catalog laying near my devotional books this morning and when I finished, I picked it up and began to thumb through it. There were a couple of books that I saw that deal with my issue that I think I'm going to buy. Sounds like they could be helpful with my dilemna of doing "nothing!!!" "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World", "Calm My Anxious Heart" and "Get Out of that Pit." Now that sounds wonderful, but we must remember that in order to actually read these books would require me to sit down and do "NOTHING!!!"

Saturday, October 4, 2008


"Isn't she lovely.............Isn't she beautiful??"

There she is, in action,........doing what she loves the most. Playing tennis............and she's good. We were able to stop on the way home from the State Convention of Southern Baptist today to watch her play. I love to watch her. She makes it look soooooo easy. She's so quick and light on her feet!!! She was born with that hand/eye coordination thing you know. She certainly did not inherit it from me. I just can't seem to get my eyes and hands to cooperate. I can see the ball coming but to get it back over the net just doesn't work for me and even if I do manage to hit the ball it certainly does not go back over the net, it goes everywhere but there!!! She had initially pursued going "away" to college and there were several that accepted her. I prayed diligently about it because you know this Mama did not want to give her up to go somewhere other than home!!!! Not to mention the fact that I just saw "room and board" as setting money on fire!!! Why pay room and board when you can stay at home, in your own room, not have to move and not have to pay any bills!!!??? I know...........I know...........the experience and getting out from under mom's wing!! Don't sing that song and dance with me. I've heard it enough!!! :-) But this is how God works. As a sophomore in high school she had just made the comment in passing: "I'd love to play tennis in college one day." Never thinking anymore about it she went on and played all four years in high school loving every minute of it......well......almost every minute outside of a few ankle injuries here and there along with some shin splints!! But then one day she called me as they were playing a match and was so excited she couldn't hardly speak!!!! There was a scout that had approached her and offered her a play tennis!!!!!!!! She was beside herself!!! In awe to say the least!! She remembered the comment she had made two years prior to that and mentioned it to her girlfriend. God hears what sometimes we feel is the most insignificant prayers and in Sami's case He heard a passing thought and brought it to life!!!! What an AWESOME God we serve!!!! She is now attending Calumet College of St. Joseph on a "FULL" scholarship!!!!!! Talk about a blessing!!!!! And if that were not good enough........if she hadn't gotten the tennis scholarship, she would have gotten a full academic scholarship!!!!!! God is so good and she is so blessed!!!!!!! And we are so proud!!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Can you believe it? These wonderful people who we travel with to these conferences ruthlessly make fun of me!!! They just don't understand me!!! Every woman needs choices, right? I only brought 10 pairs!!!! Every outfit has a pair of shoes that matches it you know!!!! I only brought 7 outfits. Of course, they have interchanging pieces so each one can be worn differently!!! Someone said to me today......."you make the choice before you leave home!" Well..........I did.........I chose to bring the ones with me that I did!!! After all......we're going to be here for 3 days!!!! You know it all depends on how you feel on any given day what you wear. And being of the female gender, your body makes that decision for you on a regular basis!!! Right, ladies!!!??? I knew you would agree!!! :-) Birds of a feather flock together!!! Of course everyone who knows me knows that I have a thing for shoes. I guess it's more than just a thing. I'm sure there is some kind of illness to describe it. I'm just not sure what it is and I probably don't want to know what it is!!! If I see a pair of shoes that I like I buy them. Then I look for clothes to match!!!! Mind you..........I am the "thrift store" Queen so I don't EVER pay full price for anything. So........I do not misuse the money God has blessed us with!!! I am frugal. Some call it cheap, but that's ok.

I call it blessed!!!! I think at last count I had about 85 pairs!!! Oh stop freaking out!!! That's counting summer, winter AND houseshoes!!!!

"On the road again........."

"Riding down the road trying to loosen my load........" Oooooooo.....two songs for the price of one!!!! Yep.......we're in the car on the road again. Heading down I-65 on our way to the State Convention of Southern Baptist!! Laptop in my lap typing away. Yeah!!! I love this!!!!! We're going to get to see friends that we don't see often and traveling with some that we see a lot!! I'm looking forward to some sweet fellowship in the Lord this weekend!!! I actually have time to blog when I'm in the car. Otherwise something would go undone if I were at home. Of course, things go undone in our house all the time!!!!! There's always something screaming my, church work, laundry, a toliet bowl, Grandma.....the phone. Not the dishes to often anymore.......Grandma does those for me most of the time anymore. She's pretty good at it too!!! Frees me up to do other things!!! I found out the other day she's a pretty good "prayer warrior." Malena, age two.....we call her "Sweetie Pea"...........decided she was going to paint her "Play 'n' Go"........that little portable bed you know. Yep........she covered it from one end to the other. She also decided to cover her body from head to toe. I know you're saying " cute." Uh.....NO!!! It was AWFUL!!!! DISGUSTING!!!! She decided to use what was in her diaper to do it with!!! YUCK!!!! I heard her calling me, which usually means she is awake from her nap and wants to get up. Usually she climbs out on her own and comes to knock on the door!!!! Thankfully she stayed in the bed that day!!!! I walked in the room..........and walked right back out! I went straight out the door and just stood there for a minute. All I could say was: "Ok Lord. You're gonna have to help me with this one!!! I walked back into the room, grabbed the bed, drug it out the front door onto the deck, took the remainder of her clothes off, threw them in the bed, lifted her out of the bed under her arms and proceeded to head towards the bathroom holding her as far away from as I could!!!! That's where Grandma comes in. She was sitting in her chair reading her paper, as usual. I stopped right in front of her and said: "you know that "prayer warrior" job that I was telling you that you could do? You might want to start that now. You would probably need to pray for this baby right now!!!!" She looked at me and then at her, dropped her paper in her lap, immediately bowed her head and began to pray as I made my way on into the bathroom. I put "Sweetie Pea" in the tub, turned the water on and began to spray her off never speaking a word. She probably thought I had lost my voice because she was just jabbering 100 words a minute. Most likely she was giving me the details of her decorating job!!!! I'm sure she wondered why I wasn't talking to her. At that point, the other kids would have been so scared they wouldn't have said a word. They know when they've pushed Grannie to the point of silence it's not a good thing and saying something only makes it worse!!!! However, as I stood there and washed her off a calmness came over me. I knew it was a direct result of the prayers Grandma was saying. It was as if God were pouring His love over me just like the water was pouring over her little body!!! That's how He is. He hears our cries for peace. He listens and He answers!! That would be the reason you are reading this and I am "on the road again!!!"

Monday, September 29, 2008

Where's Your Remote????

And she did it again!!!!! Amy is the greatest. She obviously has a hotline straight to God Himself. It NEVER fails that she nails me every time!!! I'm so sure that God speaks right into the very depths of her heart knowing just what I need when I need it!!!! For those of you who know me know that I could live without a TV. It would not bother me at all if we did not have one in our home!!! And what would she come up with this year? She used a remote control for her topic!!!! She asked her husband for the remote and got a lot of questions in return and he did not want to relinquish "control" of the remote control. That's how we are usually. I have been told by my family many, many times that's it's "my way or no way!!!" I can't see that........but boy they sure can. Actually I know I have control issues and I'm trying s-l-o-w-l-y to get "control" :-) of them!!!!! Ugh!!! There it is again!!!!! You know object lessons make a vast impression on people and I'm sure all those ladies, including me, will never forget that lesson, but it won't be about our husbands and their remote controls!!!!

It was such an AWESOME day just as I knew it would be. It was uplifting, invigorating, inspiring and just what I needed. I'm still reeling from the different classes, the wonderful speakers and all the topics we had to pick from. We even saw how God can make a morning glory flower look like it had a light bulb in the center of it!!! How great is our God??? Yea......that's what I thought. I could write a book about all the things.......but I won''s bed time!!!

I'm sure there will be more to come on this subject when my brain can function more properly!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ladies Retreat

Tomorrow is the day!!!! The day I've been anxiously awaiting for an entire year!!!!!!! Once again there is going to be a Ladies Retreat at Black Oak Baptist. What an uplifting, exciting, invigorating time this is. I get so excited about it every time I think about it!!! I wish I could wrap every lady I know up and take them with me. I have encouraged as many ladies as I can to our church and outside our church. The ladies at Black Oak do such a wonderful job and I'm so thankful that Roberta had the idea to start it. I'm more glad that she has continued it and hope for many, many more! I know there is a "GREAT DEAL" of work, time and effort put into it. I'm so blessed and honored that they asked me to sing again!!!! I love singing!!!!! Anywhere I get a chance!!! I just can't even believe the song God took me "straight" to when I was praying for a song to fit the theme of the retreat. I already had one that basically went with it, but this one just says it so plainly!!! It is sooooo awesome!!! I can't wait to hear the speakers. I just know my sweet Amy has something so special that God has given her. I can't wait to see Deanna and laugh!!! She cracks me up!!!! And I'm anxious to see what Marie has planned......and the other speakers..........I know they're all going to be good!!! I just wish I could go to every single class that is offered!!! I am soooooooooooooooo excited!!!! I will update after the fact!!! :-)

Did I mention that I'm sooooooooooooooo excited!!!!??????

Friday, September 19, 2008

Beam us up Jesus!!!!!!!!

Well, once again this last week we had to say "see ya later" to one of our dear friends. God called yet another of His wonderful saints home to be with Him. One of the sweetest ladies you could have known. She was one of the greatest witnesses for Christ who ever walked the face of the earth. You know how you can just tell some people are Christians just by looking at them even though they don't dress any different or talk any different.......well.......they dress and talk differently than some of the world today, but you know what I mean. She was one of those types. She just had the love of Jesus written all over her face. Although our hearts were saddened we rejoiced in the fact that we know we will see her again one day and get to spend eternity with her!!!! It just hurts to give someone back when God decides it's time for them to come home!!! I'm looking so forward to Heaven!!!! Lately I tell everyone I know, and I'm sure they're tired of hearing it, that I pray nearly every single day for Jesus just to come back and get us all!!! Mind you....I said...."ALL"!!!!! This one at a time business is just getting to be to much for me. I have read enough of my Bible and have been a Christian long enough to know that the "signs of the time are everywhere." Of course, then again, my Grannie always got in a frantic panic when I was a little girl and the moon would turn red. She would always tell me that surely Jesus was coming back because the Bible said that the moon would turn to blood in the last days. Gee.............I know God's timing is not ours, but that was almost 40 years ago!!! One day though, it's gonna happen!!! Gabriel will blow his horn, the Eastern sky will split and in a flash..........we'll be gone!!!!! The world won't know what happened. I can imagine since all the hoop-la about aliens has peaked everyone's interest in the last several years they will try to explain it away that we have all be abducted by the aliens!!!! They can explain it however they want!!! I'll be gone!! I'll get to see all the ones that I love so dearly once again and never have to be separated from them again!!!!!

Can you imagine E-T-E-R-N-I-T-Y????? It never ends!!!

I'm just sittin' and waitin', anticipatin' the day!!!! Come on.................."beam us up Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!:

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I send out a newsletter on Tuesdays to the ladies of our church and a few others who are not from our church and I have entitled it "Tuesday Tidbits"and I just wanted to share with you the one for this past Tuesday.......(which by the way did not get sent until yesterday!!!)

Thank you "Queenie" for your inspiration for this one!!! Love ya!!!

Hello Ladies,

Sorry it's late............all I can say is......"migraine yesterday..............still today"...............but here you go!!

Most of you know that I was born and raised in the South on a farm for the greater part of my life. There wasn't much to do on a farm with the exception of slopping the hogs, milking the cows (squirting the cats and kittens with the milk was great!!!), feeding the chickens and gathering their eggs. Being an on ly child only compunded that problem. It was kind of lonely. So.......being the non-creative person that I am........I continually looked for something to do. The closest people lived miles away, therefore, I had no friends who could just run over and play and my grandmother just wasn't into that "let's make a play day for our kids" kind of thing like today's moms do. For the most part I would sing out of those old hymnals that I told you about before. I loved to sing.......still do!!! I was kind of with singing like a man who is called to preach. I sang to everything that would listen and to things that didn't listen!!! Anyway......back to the point at boredom as a child!!! For as long as I can remember..........I have loved frogs. I was not the kind of girl who screamed at a frog. I was not scared of them in the least bit. I knew they didn't bite although Grannie always told me I'd get warts if they peed on me!!! I can promise you beyond a shadow of a doubt that is an old wives tale. You don't have to look on "" to find out if that ones true. I would be one big wart if it were!!! I picked them up and played with them. I actually held them in my hands......put them in my lap...petted them.......named them......even made cardboard houses for them!!!! I even kissed a few of them to see if they would actually turn into a prince!!! Ugh!!! (That's turning some stomachs as they read!!!!) I loved to watch them hop and I would follow them all over the yard. I would get two of them, put them side by side, and then try to make them race. Somehow that didn't work very well. They always seemed to go opposite directions and I could never keep up with both of them at the same time. And yes.............I sang to them!!!

As I grew older I can remember going "frog gigging." For you "city-slickers" that's code for "hunting for bull frogs!" We'd go at night on the river banks with these really bright spot lights and poles with spears on the ends of them. When we spotted a big bullfrog, we'd shine the light in its eyes and it would usually stun it just long enough for you to try and spear it. Most of them were very quick and it was hard to get them. My dad was very skilled at it though. We'd usually take home a good "mess" of them. If you've ever cleaned a frog to get the legs you know why it's called "a mess" of them!! You'd think I would not have wanted to do something like that...............loving frogs and all!!!!!!!!

As a young mother one day I walked outside my back door and there it was...............a huge toad. I picked it up, brought it inside the house to the kitchen and just assuming my love of frogs would have automatically transferred to my children, I sat my middle daughter, Shelley(9 or 10 months at the time), in the floor and put it between her legs in her lap so she could play with it. Much to my surprise she screamed like someone was killing her!!! I was in shock. I couldn't believe she was so scared of a harmless frog!!! I never even dreamed she would have that kind of reaction to it. After all, it was just a frog!! I just assumed she would want to play with it like I did when I was little. She didn't see it that way!!!!!

Obviously frogs have been a part of my life since I was very little and still are today. I think there is some kind of frog in 8 out of the 9 rooms in my home and some in my office at church. If you visit my blog, ( you will see they are there too!!! I think that shows God's infinite wisdom. He knew long before I was ever saved that there would come a day when I would serve Him. He knew the very thing I played with as a child out of boredom would take on a whole new meaning to me as a child of God! When I was a child and had no one I relied on frogs to play with. Now when I feel I have no one I simply:
Fully Rely On God

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own understanding

Proverbs 3:5

Relying on Him to get me through!!!
Love lots!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Living in the car!!!!!! I am again..........finally.........I have a spare minute!!! I'm in the car again. It seems like that's the only place I ever sit down at really and have nothing better to do than play on the computer!!! Well, actually I "do" have something better to do.........I did bring the "prospective" Christmas Cantata's with me to listen to!! I know the choir is looking forward to that practice beginning!!! Yeah!!!

I just finished reading one of my GGF's (great girlfriend's) blogs and I was duly inspired to make an entry on mine. After eternity of not making any updates!!!!!??? Actually I was on last week and was trying my hardest to put an updated picture of my garden on here to show you that it is truly growing...........I somehow couldn't upload the picture though and my honey wasn't home......therefore I got disgusted and just shut it down!!! I do have some awesome pix as soon as I figure out what the problem was!!! I won't talk about that now though!! You'll just have to wait to see the pix!!

If I thought my life was crazy up until's about to be crazier than it's ever been before. School/College is about to begin. I'm just curious to see how everyone's schedule will mesh together. Sami having tennis practice daily and classes on Mondays & Wednesdays, her work schedule(we're praying God just leaves a car in the driveway for her!!!!!).....Jason's bus schedule........getting Adam to the school we are trying to transfer him to and picking all of them up at different times!!!! I think I might get a taste of what if feels like to live out of your car. I figure I will just put a change of clothes in the van for everyone who I will be transporting.........some snacks......maybe real food depending on the wipes.........diapers...pull-ups.....Depends..........a cooler with ice and bottled water....always remembering to have the flavor packets for the water............I may even put a hot plate in there since we have a "Mobile AC Outlet" adapter for the car that connects in the cigarette lighter!!! I could even cook!!! I might get a small microwave and put in there!!!!!!!! Wow........that sounds like it could be exciting!!! Oh my..........back to reality here!!! Anyways, it will be very interesting to see how things fall into place within the next few weeks!!! I won't know what to do with myself between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. It will be just me and my "weetie-pea!!!!" That would be Malena for those of you who don't know!!! I think we'll just have some "girl" time!!! Yeah!!!!!!!

Ok........we're almost to our next time!!!!

Jesus loves you!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

"How does my garden grow???"

Success!!!!!!!! Yes...a garden finally planted many years?? Well, that doesn't really matter. At least it's finally planted!!! Yeah me!!!! Of course, there are muscles that ache that I didn't even know I had!! Planting a garden is actual work!! Duh!! As you will notice I have "varmint" proofed it!!!!! I'm sure no creature living and breathing will dare come near my "deterrants!!!!!!" :-) Right!!! I'm sure they will be laughing at me as they march right through the middle and feast on a few plants!! I'm praying not!!! We already had a hail storm last night that I have not checked the damage on yet!! Oh well.........we'll see as time goes on!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Memorial Day has taken on a whole new meaning to me this year. My life has been like a rollercoaster for the last week or so. Bittersweet moments have filled my days and most likely will continue to for a good long while. Most of you all know the elderly gentleman I was taking care of went to be with the Lord a week ago this last Friday. We had a memorial service for him this past Friday and it was well attended. We were so proud that many of our friends who didn't even know him came. They came to support me and my husband just because they care and love us. It's so wonderful to be cared about the way those friends just makes you feel so special. I wanted them to be as acquainted with him as they could so I sat out everything I could think of that was associated with the brief time I was blessed to care for him. Things he doesn't need anymore......glasses, walker, blanket to keep warm with......lamp for light.......birthday banner and card............There's no need for these things anymore.....his sight has been restored and his legs are strong......he's finally warm enough and Jesus is his light.......he celebrated the greatest birthday of all.......the day he entered Heaven's gates to spend an eternity with our wonderful Saviour. I was so privileged to be able to care for such a wonderful man. I was changed in a way that I can't explain by a man who didn't know me very well, but trusted me as if he'd known me all his life. For all my friends who came and those who couldn't, yet you still prayed for me: "Thank you!!!" Your generosity has not gone unnoticed and I asked God to bless you beyond measure!! I look forward to the day I can meet up with him again and all those who've gone on before me!!

Have a safe and happy holiday!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"Till death do us part......"

There's an old song that Michael W. Smith sang called "Friends." Awesome song.......great meaning......"friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them and a friend will not say never 'cause the welcome will not end...." Well, we all have friends and then we have real friends!!! I want you to know that it's not really hard to tell who your "real" friends are!! If you are ever in doubt, just feed them poisoned food and if they eat it.........well.........they are your friends!!!!! You my age (and we're not gonna discuss numbers here!!!) you'd think I would just have enough sense to realize some things..........nope......not me!!!!! We had some friends over for a cookout the other night and I decided I wanted to make some "deviled" eggs. I boiled the eggs, turned them off and let them set on the stove to cool. When our guests arrived, I realized I had not finished making the eggs so hastily I began to put them together. Not paying attention (oooooo......big surprise for me!!!), I reached into the sink drainer and grabbed a bowl to mix up the yokes with all the fixin's and began to blend them all together. I love "deviled" eggs so as I was making them I ate a couple of them and handed one to my friend. She ate one as well. They were so yummy!!! I finished and put them in a covered container and sat them to the side on the counter. Time came for dinner and the guys were finished cooking the hamburgers and hot dogs and we sat down to eat. Half way through dinner I realized I hadn't set the "deviled" eggs out so I grabbed them and began to offer them to everyone. Three of us took one. I noticed my girlfriend didn't take one this time, but I just thought she didn't want another one or was getting full. I took one bite of mine and realized something was "very" wrong. I looked at the others and I said: "These taste awful!!!" I tried to discern what the taste was and then to my horror I realized they tasted like the Pinesol I had been cleaning with previously in the day!!!!! Needless to say.......I was mortified!!! My husband, being the gentle man he is, simply asked me if I had used the same bowl to put Pinesol in as I had mixed the eggs in!! I didn't give it the first thought when I grabbed the same bowl that any such thing could happen!!!! most certainly did!!! I spent the next several hours, (actually days now) wondering how I could have done such a thing and feeling so bad!! As the night progressed we all began to have stomach aches, heartburn or at least nausea and one even got sick on the way home. I also learned that Pinesol and Tums do not mix well and actually cause somewhat of a chemical reaction when taken in conjunction with one another!!! We were all eventually fine, but it sure did give new meaning to "deviled" eggs!!! And, my friends never said a word. Later when I asked them why they didn't say anything, they said they didn't want to hurt my feelings!! No........they didn't want to hurt my feelings, but they were willing to eated my tainted eggs and die!!!!! Friends are friends forever...........even when you try to poison them!!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Grandparents Day

This is me and my "baby!!" Jason!!! You've all heard about Jason.......well, if you haven't you will!!!! He had "grandparents" day at his school yesterday and I was invited to go. Yeah me!!! The second he caught site of me there was nothing that could have stopped him from getting to me. He shot up out of his chair like a ball out of a cannon!! Things like that just make your heart race and makes you feel proud!! We spent the next hour with him showing me all that he does and where everything was at.....and with me making sure Malena didn't go out the door to visit another classroom!! :-) She tends to wander if you don't keep a close eye on her, but I had a great help with Adam there to corral her for me. But Jason, the great brother he is, made sure Malena has some "goldfish" to eat and made sure Adam knew where all the toys were so he could play while he was showing me around!!! Jason has a very sharp memory and he doesn't forget....(well....with the exception of using the potty!!!!) we managed to examine almost every single nook and cranny in the room!!!

We did a project together (that's what I'm says "I LOVE YOU!!!) and he was so proud that he made it for me. One day I hope he will know how proud I was to get it and to be there!!!!! Then it was time to leave and I feared they would require him to ride the bus home, but the teacher gladly accepted my offer to bring him home with me. Jason has been in school now for about 2 months..........I'm sure they knew better than to make me walk out the door without him!!! :-)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Just call us "Daddy & Mama" I know we are just "slightly" older than most of our friends, but this weekend showed that we must be aging......and not gracefully I might add!!!!! Let me tell you my "pitiful" story....grab your will break your heart or at least bring tears to your eyes from the hysterical laughter!!!! So.......we got to Nashville for the retreat and we were to early to check into our rooms so we decided to go get a bite to eat. We went into one of the quaint little restaurants and as Pastor Jeff(from Portage Missionary) always does, he introduced himself as "Jeff" to the waitress and then introduced my husband as "Jeff" to which the waitress replied, "Oh, is he your dad?" All of us nearly fell out of the booth laughing. Well, the poor waitress felt so bad she just kept coming back and apologizing. We finished eating lunch and decided to stop by an ice cream shop and the guys were telling the lady behind the counter what happened and as we were walking out the door she looked at me and said: "Is this your daughter?" pointing to my friend Shannon(Pastor Jeff's wife)...who I might add is "only" 10 years younger than me....she looks really young though.........really........she does!!!!!!!! I just laughed and said, "yeah" and went on out the door! So, we went on and that was the joke of the day......we called my husband "daddy" for the rest of the day and referred to me as "Mama!!" It was time for us to go to the first session that they had planned for us in the evening and as we were standing around talking, we made some new friends and here it came of the other Pastor's wives looked at Shannon and said: "Is this your mom?" (once again pointing to me!!!!!!) Well, talk about the straw that broke the camels back!!!!!!!!!!! I nearly came unglued (not really.........) Wanda (the other Pastor's wife).......spent the next 20 minutes trying to explain how she didn't really see Shannon well and how the lighting in the place was dim and so on and so was to funny to watch her squirm and try to work her way out of the predicament she got herself into!!!!! (Wanda, I still love you!!!!)

Ok, ok.................I told you the tissues would be for the incredible laughter that would come!!!!!

That's it..........Maybeline has lost out........obviously it's not doing the trick!!!!! Then again, how many coats of paint can an old barn take before you can't cover the flaws anymore!!!!!!!! Oh, the pain, the pain...............Botoxing here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Friday, April 25, 2008

In the car

I know I am so far behind the times it's not funny.........but you could never guess where I am as I type this!!!!! I am in the car!!!!! We are driving down I-65 on our way to the Pastor/Wives Retreat in Nashville, IN. I am sooooooo excited! I may have to get in the back seat though.....this may be a huge distraction for Pastor. Whatever way he looks while he's driving is the way the car goes!! If he's looking over at my lap, it could be very dangerous. ha!! I know other people probably do this all the time, but it's new to me and I think it's the greatest thing in the world. I can do some of my work while we're in the car now!! How convenient! Maybe my Sunday School lessons will be better ladies!!!! :-) We spend a lot of time in the car going from here to there and everywhere. AND............I could get emails while we're driving!! WOW!!!

Well, I'll keep updating as we go and we'll see how many miles we get before I post again!!!

"Casting all your cares on Him for He cares for you"
1 Peter 5:7

Friday, April 18, 2008

Jesus is coming soon!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my goodness...............I wonder if anyone else got as excited as I did this morning at 4:39 a.m. He(my husband) thought it was the wind and I knew that I knew it was an earthquake!!! Many, many years I'm not tellin' how "many" years ago.....I was in Euclid, OH and there was an earthquake was much worse then, but I still remember the eerie feeling and it was the same feeling this morning. We were discussing it and all I could think of"signs of the times are everywhere!!!!!" Then my suspicions were affirmed as we turned on the radio to hear all the news of it!!! I truly began to get excited as I thought about it. This surely must mean His return is not far off!! Everyone who knows me knows I pray for it almost every single day!!! No more one at a time.........just get us all at once!! "Beam us up, Jesus!!!!" I'm sure this morning shook (no pun intended!!!) some people........I was listening to the radio accounts and I was shouting "hallelujah!!!!" I'm just glad I had dozed back off after the alarm and was easily wakened to feel it. I know......I know.......there's issues there, but all of you know it if you know me!!! Gotta love me!!!! to the day and all that it holds!!!

"For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the archangel's voice, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are still alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so we will always be with the Lord. "

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Well, I'm still in the learning process. Give me another 12 months and I might get it the way I want it to look!!! Thanks can be given to my hubby for making it what it is right now. I don't do computers to well......I know how to bring up the internet to check my mail, send email and a Word document to type my newsletters each Tuesday!! Speaking of........I'm off to write it right now!!

Have a blessed day!! Remember........Jesus loves you!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm "under construction" patient and keep checking back for new updates!!!

Have a most wonderful and blessed day!!!

"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!!"
Psalm 118:24

The Frog Pond

Welcome to "The Frog Pond".........leap on in and take a rest!!!