Monday, December 22, 2008

Good in Everything

This is a picture of a torpedo heater that my husband had to purchase yesterday afternoon. While we were at church on Sunday we received a phone call and learned that we had NO water in the entire house. It was frozen!!!! After church Sunday night my husband and son-in-law ventured out to Menards only to find it closed so they headed to Walmart. However, they did not have any torpedo heaters. He was only able to find a couple of utility heaters, which he purchased at that time. After running them overnight nothing happened. So, yesterday afternoon when he came home, he assessed the situation and went to Menards and returned with this little contraption and a blow torch. He had found that one of the pipes going into the water meter had actually frozen and burst. He took it apart and realized in order to get it back together he would have to sodder the pipe back together in pieces. Once he had that done......and I helped......I held the torch while he melted the metal to it!!!! Yeah me!!!!! :-) He looked at me and said: "Actually, God was very good to us by allowing the pipes to freeze." I looked at him like he had a third head and was from Mars. How could it possibly be a blessing that the pipes froze???!!!!! He then pointed out that if the pipes had not froze and that pipe had bursted while we were at church all day, it would have been a mess. The house could have been flooded and the mess would have been more than we could have imagined. So, I guess there is good in everything if you just look for it!!! We're thankful for godly neighbors that are letting us use their shower and carry water into our house!!! But, here we are, day 3, still without water!!! Please pray for us!!! This is very hard and especially since we are supposed to have a house full for Christmas day!!!!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

No water!?! If you need a place to stay, come on over:). We have a guest room with a bathroom across the hall and it has water. :)
We'll pray for you.