Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"Till death do us part......"

There's an old song that Michael W. Smith sang called "Friends." Awesome song.......great meaning......"friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them and a friend will not say never 'cause the welcome will not end...." Well, we all have friends and then we have real friends!!! I want you to know that it's not really hard to tell who your "real" friends are!! If you are ever in doubt, just feed them poisoned food and if they eat it.........well.........they are your friends!!!!! You know.....at my age (and we're not gonna discuss numbers here!!!) you'd think I would just have enough sense to realize some things..........nope......not me!!!!! We had some friends over for a cookout the other night and I decided I wanted to make some "deviled" eggs. I boiled the eggs, turned them off and let them set on the stove to cool. When our guests arrived, I realized I had not finished making the eggs so hastily I began to put them together. Not paying attention (oooooo......big surprise for me!!!), I reached into the sink drainer and grabbed a bowl to mix up the yokes with all the fixin's and began to blend them all together. I love "deviled" eggs so as I was making them I ate a couple of them and handed one to my friend. She ate one as well. They were so yummy!!! I finished and put them in a covered container and sat them to the side on the counter. Time came for dinner and the guys were finished cooking the hamburgers and hot dogs and we sat down to eat. Half way through dinner I realized I hadn't set the "deviled" eggs out so I grabbed them and began to offer them to everyone. Three of us took one. I noticed my girlfriend didn't take one this time, but I just thought she didn't want another one or was getting full. I took one bite of mine and realized something was "very" wrong. I looked at the others and I said: "These taste awful!!!" I tried to discern what the taste was and then to my horror I realized they tasted like the Pinesol I had been cleaning with previously in the day!!!!! Needless to say.......I was mortified!!! My husband, being the gentle man he is, simply asked me if I had used the same bowl to put Pinesol in as I had mixed the eggs in!! I didn't give it the first thought when I grabbed the same bowl that any such thing could happen!!!! Well......it most certainly did!!! I spent the next several hours, (actually days now) wondering how I could have done such a thing and feeling so bad!! As the night progressed we all began to have stomach aches, heartburn or at least nausea and one even got sick on the way home. I also learned that Pinesol and Tums do not mix well and actually cause somewhat of a chemical reaction when taken in conjunction with one another!!! We were all eventually fine, but it sure did give new meaning to "deviled" eggs!!! And, my friends never said a word. Later when I asked them why they didn't say anything, they said they didn't want to hurt my feelings!! No........they didn't want to hurt my feelings, but they were willing to eated my tainted eggs and die!!!!! Friends are friends forever...........even when you try to poison them!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!! Girl....only me or you ...well..maybe Debbie could something like this happen to. Yikes!
Glad no one croaked!! No pun intended!

Sounds like one of those absent minded "elderly" moments...haha

Anonymous said...

No more eating at your house LOL Free food is free food.
