Thursday, October 2, 2008

"On the road again........."

"Riding down the road trying to loosen my load........" Oooooooo.....two songs for the price of one!!!! Yep.......we're in the car on the road again. Heading down I-65 on our way to the State Convention of Southern Baptist!! Laptop in my lap typing away. Yeah!!! I love this!!!!! We're going to get to see friends that we don't see often and traveling with some that we see a lot!! I'm looking forward to some sweet fellowship in the Lord this weekend!!! I actually have time to blog when I'm in the car. Otherwise something would go undone if I were at home. Of course, things go undone in our house all the time!!!!! There's always something screaming my, church work, laundry, a toliet bowl, Grandma.....the phone. Not the dishes to often anymore.......Grandma does those for me most of the time anymore. She's pretty good at it too!!! Frees me up to do other things!!! I found out the other day she's a pretty good "prayer warrior." Malena, age two.....we call her "Sweetie Pea"...........decided she was going to paint her "Play 'n' Go"........that little portable bed you know. Yep........she covered it from one end to the other. She also decided to cover her body from head to toe. I know you're saying " cute." Uh.....NO!!! It was AWFUL!!!! DISGUSTING!!!! She decided to use what was in her diaper to do it with!!! YUCK!!!! I heard her calling me, which usually means she is awake from her nap and wants to get up. Usually she climbs out on her own and comes to knock on the door!!!! Thankfully she stayed in the bed that day!!!! I walked in the room..........and walked right back out! I went straight out the door and just stood there for a minute. All I could say was: "Ok Lord. You're gonna have to help me with this one!!! I walked back into the room, grabbed the bed, drug it out the front door onto the deck, took the remainder of her clothes off, threw them in the bed, lifted her out of the bed under her arms and proceeded to head towards the bathroom holding her as far away from as I could!!!! That's where Grandma comes in. She was sitting in her chair reading her paper, as usual. I stopped right in front of her and said: "you know that "prayer warrior" job that I was telling you that you could do? You might want to start that now. You would probably need to pray for this baby right now!!!!" She looked at me and then at her, dropped her paper in her lap, immediately bowed her head and began to pray as I made my way on into the bathroom. I put "Sweetie Pea" in the tub, turned the water on and began to spray her off never speaking a word. She probably thought I had lost my voice because she was just jabbering 100 words a minute. Most likely she was giving me the details of her decorating job!!!! I'm sure she wondered why I wasn't talking to her. At that point, the other kids would have been so scared they wouldn't have said a word. They know when they've pushed Grannie to the point of silence it's not a good thing and saying something only makes it worse!!!! However, as I stood there and washed her off a calmness came over me. I knew it was a direct result of the prayers Grandma was saying. It was as if God were pouring His love over me just like the water was pouring over her little body!!! That's how He is. He hears our cries for peace. He listens and He answers!! That would be the reason you are reading this and I am "on the road again!!!"

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