Thursday, March 26, 2009


I am so tired of being sick this year and losing my voice!!!! I'm not sure what's going on with my body these days (the first one who says the "age" word is gonna get it!!!!) , but I sure am tired of it!!!! This is like the 3rd or 4th time I have lost my voice this year and it's only March!!! I know......I know......some of you would say God is trying to tell you something!!!! Yeah, I kinda got that!!!! Anyways, I just can't figure out why all of a sudden I am allergic to everything!!! This time it was because I bought a new lipstick made by the same maker of all the other make-up I use!!! I never imagined in my wildest dreams it would be something as simple as that. Normally it has been "smells" that get me and cause my throat to get tight and lose my voice, but lipstick!!!!! And NO, I'm not about to quit using make -up so don't anyone say it!!!!!!! The saying is: "every old barn needs a coat of paint now and again!!!!!" Well, this ol' barn needs a couple of coats every day!!!!!!!!!!! I heard that "AMEN!!!!" I am proudly tagged as "Tammy Faye" by some of my dearest friends.........and foes!!!!! :-) I just wish I knew what was causing all this!!!! The first time I realized I was allergic to something it was bleach when I was cleaning the tub with it one day. I ended up in the ER with my throat literally closing up!!! What a scary experience that was!!! They gave me a "cocktail" to drink.....trying to make sure it wasn't anything to do with my heart and that was awful because I already felt like I couldn't swallow the way it was and that thing numbed my throat making it all the more worse!!! I really felt like I couldn't swallow or breath then!!!! BUT, the second trip to the ER was even worse.......they gave me a shot of adrenaline. One minute I thought my heart was gonna beat out of my chest and the next minute I thought it was gonna stop!!! I hope I never have to have that again!!!!! And then I realized I was allergic to candles, with the exception of "Party Lite" candles!!! Thank goodness I know two distributors!!!!! And then not to long ago, it was those "plug-in" things that smell good!!! At least God is giving me the good sense to realize early on what's happening and has given me a wonderful ENT who will just call me in a script for what I call my "FAT" medicine!!!! That Medrol-dose pak. You know, the one you start out taking 6 in one day and work your way down to one on the last day. Literally, I gain 15 to 20 pounds in one week!!!!!!!!!!! And people wonder why I have so many clothes!!! I have to keep a wide variety of sizes on hand!! :-) Yeah, cuz that's the reason!!!!!!!!! Thankfully within about a week or week and a half it all goes away!! Unfortunately, we have two concerts coming up in the next few days and I will have to wear one of my "fat" outfits. So much for the 15 real pounds I have lost lately!!! :-) I'll be happy to wear the fat clothes as long as I get my voice back to sing!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to all of you who have prayed for me.....just keep it up!!!!

1 comment:

teddy bear said...