Thursday, March 26, 2009


Four hours in a Dentists chair is enough to unnerve anyone. It's not a pleasant experience for me to begin with and it takes 2 Valiums to get me to sit still in the chair without causing bodily harm to the Dentist or his Assistant!!!! And tonight was especially bad when I smelled "BLEACH!!!!!" As if I haven't had enough "allergic" reactions lately, while the Dentist was working on my mouth all of a sudden I smelled bleach very strongly. I couldn't talk so I motioned for a pen so I could write but I managed to get the word bleach out of my mouth and the dentist replied "yes!!!" My heart nearly beat out of my chest. Sheer panic and fear fell over me!!! He rinsed out my mouth and immediately I said: "I'M ALLERGIC TO BLEACH!!!!!!!" That was my first experience with my throat closing....using bleach one day to clean the tub with!!!! He began to tell me it was a very watered down version and that he had "always" used it when he worked on my mouth. I NEVER recall smelling it before and just the thought of knowing when I had inhaled it caused my throat to close, I couldn't imagine what using it in my mouth would do!!! Surely I would die in the Dentist chair!!! He sent the assistant to get the Benadryl and asked me if I was itching and I said: "No it doesn't make me itch, it makes my throat close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" At that point I could see the despair on his face and in the sound of his voice as he told me not to worry they had every thing they needed including the adrenaline!!!!!! Yeah......remember me mentioning that in a previous blog!!!? As if I wanted that, right!!!??? He quickly told her to pull my entire chart and I'm sure at that point he was probably contemplating calling the Paramedics!!!! I know it was rushing through my mind!!!! Needless to say, he quit for a few minutes and the assistant kept a close eye on me as all the while I was praying for peace and calm.............I just kept thinking of the verse Shelley had shared with me all day long: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (II Timothy 1:7.) That helped tremendously!!!! Peace fell over me like a blanket. It was great!!! And every time I got scared again, I would quote that verse in my head and ask for that peace again. And, every time it was granted!!!! God is so good. Needless to say, I made it through the appointment and now am the proud owner of a new set of "temporary" crowns!!! The real ones will be in by the 16th of April. Yeah!!!! In time for June 6th!!!! New pretty teeth like I used to have!!!!! Well, the Dentist didn't use that solution on me anymore and he notated my chart not to use it again!!! Thank goodness!!! More so I'm grateful to God that he grants peace and comfort right when I need it the most and NEVER fails!!! Although unworthy.....He still hears and answers me!!! What a great God we serve!!!!

So since I did survive my dental ordeal I'm trying to s-l-o-w-l-y eat some baked chicked and cheese potatoes I made for dinner...........while I'm still numb...........and slobbering!!! :-) YUM!!!!!


Monica Lamme said...

I am so glad you didn't get a bad reaction from the bleach that would have been horrible. I always hate going to the dentist and that is just for a cleaning, I can't imagin four hours!


Wanda said...

Gee whiz girl! I'm glad you are ok!
That is so scary. Several months back we were having terrible allergic reactions with Don.
We did everything to try to figure it out.
He was going crazy.

Be careful! These things are very serious!

Love all your posts.
and yes....we are far from normal! We are UNIQUE and proud of it! :) LOVE YOU!