Tuesday, June 23, 2009


When you walk into a library you see the sign that says: “Quiet Please.” That’s because many times people go to the library to study or to write papers for some class they may be taking in school and they need peace and quiet in order to think clearly. While we are here at the Southern Baptist Convention this week, there have been many things that have pointed my attention in that very direction. However, it has nothing to do with writing a paper or being able to think clearly. A couple of messages I’ve heard from the speakers has caused me to give great thought to my speech. I know this will come as a shock to some, but I have been told on more than one occasion that my personality is a little bit too much for some. *Ugh* You know it’s always been easy for me to critique someone else and pick out their faults, but when a mirror gets help up to you, it makes one a little bit uneasy. We never like to face cold, hard facts!!! Here we go……….”Grannie” always said: “truth hurts!!” Now I’ve heard the statement to many times: “God gave you 2 ears and 1 mouth for a specific purpose.” I never wanted to admit that made any kind of sense, but as the years go by and I watch and listen, I am realizing more and more the importance of listening before speaking. I have always lived my life on the edge never giving too much thought to what I was going to say or how I was going to say it. The thought never really went through the brain before it hit the tongue and came spilling out of my lips. In recent years and especially of late, I am leaning more and more towards putting a bridle on my tongue and “spiritual” hearing aides in my ears. It has occurred to me that when we don’t think before we speak, we not only run the risk of hurting someone’s emotional feelings, but we can ruin the possibility of hurting their spiritual feelings. We can give a very wrong answer if we don’t think first and sometimes that can prove to be very detrimental! We, as women, are called to be more tender in nature. We are referred to as the “weaker” sex, but that does not mean emotionally. We were made to love and be loved. We were given tender hearts so we could nurture not only our children, but also those who might be in need. A comment was made that has stuck with me and has made me feel so much better about who I am. To me it was so profound…….to you it might be just a common sense thing, but here it is: “You don’t have to change your personality or who you are to become a “true woman” of God.” I have always thought that just because people didn’t like the extroverted personality I have that I needed to change who I am. I have rebelled against that for the greater part of my adult life. I always used the line: “God made me this way, deal with it.” It never really occurred to me that I am free to be who God made me…….not who or what I want to be!! As Christians we are called to be set apart, separate, from the world. We need to realize that we can make or break someone with our words. Not only is our every move scrutinized by the world, they listen very intently to what we say to make sure our words match our actions. If they can’t hear or see Christ in us, we have no hope of reaching them for Him. We become useless to the Kingdom and our work is in vain. We are told to be the salt of the earth. Salt flavors and is “tasteful.” That’s what we need to in order to represent our Lord well. So the next time I feel like being “loud,” I’m going to do my best to “be quiet” and let people see who Christ is in me rather than try to let them hear who I am!!!

“ instead, it should consist of the hidden person of the heart
with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is very valuable in God's eyes.”
1 Peter 3:4

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