Wednesday, June 17, 2009


For months now I've not written on my blog.......well for that matter for months now I haven't done anything the way I used to. I've at least began posting my "Tuesday Tidbit" on here hoping that it might reach more than just the ladies of our church and the others who I send it to via email. I'm not sure what the problem has been really......plate to full will be the best excuse I can come up with!! I think I just need to slow down, which I'll be doing today. Dr. is taking me off of one medicine and putting me on a different one for all this nerve pain and the new one kept me awake ALL night long last night, so I'm sure I'll not be moving quite as quick as normal to day!!!

Anyways............I posed a question on my Facebook yesterday and got a few replies. Let's see how many replies I get here on my blog. At least it might give me a ballpark idea of how many people actually read it!!! See if you can fine the correct answer. Here's the question:

"It's time! Don't you think?"

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