Friday, February 27, 2009

FACEBOOK!!!!!'s official..........I'm hooked. On the newest craze........."FACEBOOK"!!!!!
( to me!!!)I know this because my dryer broke today......I mean it won't work at all.......and I got excited because I had the thought......"WooHoo.........more time for Facebook!!!!!" That's bad!!! They say the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem!!!"I have a problem!!!!!" I just happened to be looking at one of the girls pages that I went to school with this morning and found a new thing. It's called "Flair." It's just cute little buttons with sayings or pictures on them that you can send to your friends to put on their profile page. Oh my goodness.........I spent WAY to long looking at these little things and sending them to people. I never even knew this until last year when Amy(my friend) mentioned it because she and her husband connect with their young people at church through it. I still didn't get an account because simply I didn't feel like I had time. I had heard of "My Space" but I DID NOT want an account with that because I had heard to many bad things about it and I'm still not fond of it, but if you're kids have an account you need to have one also and be their "friend" so you can keep up with them. Heads up......if they won't accept you as a "friend," chances are, you should put a stop to their account because that probably means there are things there they don't want you to see!!! I don't even know what caused me to finally set up a Facebook account. I just did it!!!! I'm glad I did....there are so many cool things and you can keep up with everyone at the click of a button. I have found out you can find out a lot about people through it too. You should be careful what you post and who your friends are. My good friend Debbie, had a class on "computer issues" at the retreat and I learned a lot!!! I have had to "unfriend" a couple of "friends of a friend of a friend" because there were just some unsavory things that I didn't want to be associated with. Then she said "you should never IM your children's friends!!!!!" I wanted to fall out of my chair. However, I didn't go overboard with that indiscretion...........if their friends are on all I do is say "hey" and if they reply I have a conversation with them and if not, I leave them alone. I have "not" IM'd them since that class though!!!! See.......I can be taught!!!!!!! I'm learning more and more everyday and I get so excited every time another one of my friends get an account!!! If used properly it can be a very useful tool and you can share the gospel in subtle ways!!!! Whatever it takes to get the Word out is the way I see it!!!! Could this be one of the "highways" or "hedges" God talks about?? I'm not sure, but it's an "avenue" I'm gonna use as much as I can!!!

Well..........if you need me text or IM me............I'm certain to answer one of them!!!

"And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. "
Luke 14:23

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