Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So many times in life we have regrets. Regrets about things we didn’t do……places we didn’t go…..people we didn’t see or talk to. And when the time comes and the opportunity passes we say things like; I wish I had taken time…..I wish I had gone here or there, etc. I wish, I wish, I wish. We spend our lives “wishing” things and never doing some of the most important things! The truth of the matter is that we “make” time for the things we “want,” but sadly enough many times not for what we “need” to do. Those are the times….the times that the opportunity is gone forever and that’s when we’re left to carry the burden of guilt. Those people that we love should take the highest priority in our lives, yet many times they are left unattended to until we “have” time. We need to realize that we only have ONE chance at this life we live here on earth and so does everyone else. Unfortunately many people use that as an unhealthy advantage to do things they really shouldn’t but they consider it their “once in a lifetime” opportunity. In all reality, there are more important things that in life than those times. When someone you love is hurting or in need, that’s the time to respond….right then….. in that moment. My Grannie used to say: “there’s no time like the present.” We need to realize just how true that statement was. There is no time like the present because what you did yesterday is gone and what you want to do tomorrow may never happen. Take time today to love, laugh and live life to it’s fullest. Jesus did. He loved deeply. In His Word we’re reminded laughter is like medicine to us and He lived His life to the fullest and gave it all for us. Isn’t it time we started living the example He left us? We simply “cannot” turn back the hands of time so regrets only come when we ignore the present need.

Today’s opportunities will never pass this way again so we need to live today like yesterday never happened……………..and the tomorrow we may never see.

You don't even know what tomorrow will bring--
what your life will be! For you are but a vapor
that appears for a little while, then vanishes.
James 4:14

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