Wednesday, May 27, 2009


“Nothing is for free!” Funny……seems I heard that comment just the other morning. And then in the afternoon as I was driving home from the grocery store I passed a house that had a huge sign in the front yard that said “FREE.” There had obviously been a rummage sale and the owners did not want to “re-store” all of their things again so they were giving it away. There was even a man in the front yard flagging people down saying “STOP! It’s all free. Whatever you want. Come take a look!” I was in a hurry so I did not stop. Something must definitely be wrong with me!! Me? Pass up a yard sale? I do U-turns for yard sales!!! I nearly cause accidents for yard sales!!!! And to pass up a free one? Come on!!!! I have to think about that one. Maybe I need to go to the doctor and be checked for something!!!!?? No unnecessary comments, please! :-) Anyways, back from my distraction……..when that comment was made the other day I replied: “Oh yes, there is something that is free!!! Salvation is free. All you have to do is ask for it and it’s yours.” Immediately it occurred to me that, NO, salvation was not free. It cost a great deal. It cost my Savior His very life!! How free is that? Well, not free to Him, but most definitely free to us. And everyday, people refuse it. They pass it by, just like I did that yard sale. Even though there are many, many Christians standing out in the front yard of life waving signs and trying to flag people down telling them that it’s free!!! But, just like I did, they are in a hurry. They don’t have time to stop and look or listen. I’m sure I could have found some small treasure amongst that heap of junk laying in that front yard if I had only taken the time to stop and look. If we could only get the message across to people what precious treasure we have to share with them they would stop and take advantage of that “free” gift that is offered to them by Christ. Maybe we as Christians should start wearing signs that says: “I have something FREE for you!! Just ask!!!” I wonder how many people would actually take time to ask or would they do like me and just pass it by and wonder what could have been there if they had just stopped long enough to inquire!!! On the other hand, would you be willing to wear a sign that said that and then actually share what it meant if someone were to ask!!!!????

“ to open their eyes that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a share among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.”
Acts 26:18

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